Free Stride Poetry

Word manipulation doesn't have to make sense

Spilled Ambrosia April 9, 2010

Filed under: Julius Caesar,Literature Inspired,Shakespeare — stephcim @ 12:54
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My heart quakes.

Raise the alarm,

A black existence ahead,

An image of the future.

I look to avenge your glorious fall,

Your golden halo was shattered at the foot of your enemy,

An image in marble.

Felled by your faultless friend,

Your beloved familiar,

Who does not deserve your loyal praises or eternal smile.

Not worthy of a drop of that spilled ambrosia.


Dying Words

Filed under: Julius Caesar,Literature Inspired,Shakespeare — stephcim @ 12:17
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Sweet angel you wound me.

I trust you, I praise you.

You took me away,

I am punished today.

Your wound was most piercing,

My breath is now ceasing.

My eyes can only find you

When I fall from you.

My life  seeping,

Sprayed across marble and dirty ground.

I haunt you, your guilty heart confused.

You joined me, I am consoled.


Crown April 2, 2010

Filed under: Julius Caesar,Literature Inspired,Shakespeare — stephcim @ 11:38

Sickness to the highest degree

In my breathing, mindless feeling.

In my one hand I hold a blossom , simple lazy flora.

In my next my pride, honor and privilege.

Take my comfort away.

I must drop the one to free the other.

All I admire cries to be crowned,

But I will not let it,

I will end this just as I hold my breath,

And leave my mind to destroy my master.

O loveliness in my mourning,

You haunt me, I deny it.

Close my eyes to this

Until I meet you in careless bliss.